Institute of Educational Sciences

The institute is established  in the academic year 2021-2022 , and the main motive for our launch in this regard was to build a generation of young people who believe that homelands are built with science and knowledge, by taking courageous steps in this context, the mainstay of which is providing the appropriate environment for the implementation and development of educational, research and training programs and achieving human development under these exceptional circumstances, meeting the needs of society and providing its institutions with scientifically qualified cadres who are able to assume the responsibility of leading society towards the world of technology and development and contributing to the construction of a democratic society.

The institute's system was adopted as an emergency and urgent case to meet the needs of educational institutions in accordance with academic standards.

It aims to:

1- Formation of a generation that believes that the educated class has an effective role in the development, growth and development of society.

2- Preparing and qualifying cadres and developing ideas, creativity and learning skills that meet the needs of society and the needs of the labor market.

3- Paying attention to scientific research and spreading the idea of the research tendency among the learners.

4- Building an educational culture for the different groups of society.


The institute includes the following departments:

1- Teacher Class

 2- English

3- Geography

4- Biology

5- )Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry(


As for the content of the courses taught at the Institute, each department differs from another in terms of the nature and specialty of the departments.

The content taught in Teacher Class and the English language departments is of a theoretical and literary nature. As for the geography department, its description is divided between theoretical, practical and field.

 As for the Department of Biology and )Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry(, the content of their courses is of a practical nature, as it depends mostly on the scientific experiments conducted by the supervising lecturers with their students in the laboratories prepared for this purpose.

Fields of work after graduation:

With regard to the fields available to students at the end of their studies at the Institute, they differ according to the department, and they are compatible with the goals aimed at meeting the needs of institutions with qualified and specialized cadres, in a way that guarantees the quality of work and keeping pace with development and progress based on the experience and training that students acquired during their years of study. Students graduating from the Department of Teacher Class, English Language and )Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry(  work in schools and teaching, and the graduates from the Department of Geography can work in municipalities and surveying in addition to teaching. As for graduates from the Department of Biology, they can work in medical laboratories in addition to teaching.